HE asked me if I love my bf? I said yes... He ask me again with a teary eyes... ''Do you still love me ?'' And I answerd Yes... He asked me why?and I cant help my tears falling on my face... I said...my eyes belong to my bf temporarily,but my heart belongs to you forever...! I looked at him,and he looked at me...suddnly He hug me so tight and for that split second,it was like we forgive each other for everythng...
You ask me f i love u and I dont answer,well the truth is I do love you and I dont want to admit it,not even to myself,becoz if I love you then I am opening myself up to be hurt by you.I knw how you are,you hurt people without even a second thought,so what makes me think that I would be any differend,just becoz you say you love me,that means nothing they are just words.I knw what you mean to me and to lose you would be the worst possible feeling.But to admit to loving you and then to lose you,that would be absolutely unbearable.So next time you ask me and I do not answer please knw that it is just my heart that is afraid of you,my body and my mind tell me to let you into my life and never let go.But my heart says to keep my distance and be careful not to get too involved.I think ill trust my heart this time.