HIIIII ">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/01/71910/71910.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_iTwpjOELp_0/SKPcVqmvyLI/AAAAAAAAAZg/eZefG1PNvo0/s320/cute+babies+6.jpg" border="0"/> HOW R U HOPE DOING WELL ">http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ueyjoLqgkkk/TddFFLk_feI/AAAAAAAAAW8/zfNtptxRJ-Q/s320/Free-Sweet-Babies-Photos-Pictures3.jpg" border="0"/> MISSING U MY FRD BYE SIMPLYSAHERKHAN
Night doesnt become beautiful with star studded sky & full moon.... It becomes beautiful when u go to sleep and let stars & moon admire ur innocence.. Good night
'beautifuL thoughT... WorrieS arE likE a birD,leT theM fLy oveR yoU..buT dO noT givE theM a chancE tO builT a nesT oN uR heaD.' somE beautifuL flowerS... tO brinG fragrancE tO youR lifE... WisH yoU a SweeT MorninG witH flowerS anD smilE.. thanX 4 UR msg you had a invitation bro
I Woke Up A Few Mints Ago.. But Then I Feel Incompleteness Till I Remembered That I Haven't Wished U Yet Have A Pleasant Day & G(^_^)(^_^)D M(~_~)Rning
Last night I sent an angel 2 watch over u while u were sleeping.. But it came back early..! So I asked it why? It said that ''Angels don't watch over other Angels!'' Good Morning
DrEamS viSit uS whEn wE aRe aSleEp. But GOD iS tRULy wiSe. He waKes uS uP eAcH dAy aNd giVeS uS evEry cHaNcE tO mAKe oUr dREAMs cOmE tRuE. So dREMm tOnigHt…You wiLL hAvE tO tRuE iT toMoRrOw... Goodnight...