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13 years ago

How are you Betti?
13 years ago

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Hello sweet Betti
13 years ago

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13 years ago
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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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لا أفضل العلاقات بحاجة إلى أي وعود أو أحكام أو شروط... انهم فقط بحاجة شخصين "الذي يستطيع أن الثقة وأحد الذين يمكن أن نفهم... هل ليلة نيس

13 years ago
ReLaTiOnShIp iS NoT JuSt a wOrD, nOt mErElY A FrIeNdShIp, It's a sIlEnT CoMmItMeNt, WhIcH SaYs, I'Ll bE WiTh u... GoOd NiGhT dEaR...
13 years ago

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لا أفضل العلاقات بحاجة إلى أي وعود أو أحكام أو شروط... انهم فقط بحاجة شخصين "الذي يستطيع أن الثقة وأحد الذين يمكن أن نفهم... هل ليلة نيس

13 years ago
13 years ago

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لا أحد في هذا العالم غنية بما يكفي لشراء ماضيه "حتى يتمتع كل وكل لحظة قبل ان يحصل بعيد المنال." ابتسامة وبحيث تكون سعيدة دائما

13 years ago
الوقت قد يؤدي بي إلى حيث لا والإيمان قد كسر إربا لكنني سأكون دائما شاكرة لمرة واحدة في رحلتي أصبحنا أصدقاء!

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13 years ago
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13 years ago
13 years ago

Have Nice DreamzZz...

13 years ago
Black and White
13 years ago
GOOD EVENING KRASO Lovle sweet times imissing u..dear friend
13 years ago
♥♥(¯` •.¸(¯` •.¸**¸.• ´¯)¸.• ´¯)♥♥
(_¸.• ´(_¸.• ´Good Evening•.¸_)` •.¸_)
I wish ur evening be as beautiful as u
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♥•» ▬▬▬ «•*•» ▬▬▬ «•♥•»♥•» ▬▬▬ ♥♥•
║ I feared being alone
║ until I learned to like
║ myself...

║ I feared failure
║ until I realized that I only
║ fail when I don't try...

║ I feared success
║ until I realized
║ that I had to try
║ in order to be happy
║ with myself...

║ I feared people's opinions
║ until I learned that
║ people would have opinions
║ about me anyway...

║ I feared rejection
║ until I learned to
║ have faith in myself...

║ I feared pain
║ until I learned that
║ it's necessary
║ for growth...

║ I feared the truth
║ until I saw the
║ ugliness in lies...

║ I feared life
║ until I experienced
║ its beauty...

║ I feared death
║ until I realized that it's
║ not an end, but a beginning...

║ I feared my destiny,
║ until I realized that
║ I had the power to change
║ my life...

║ I feared hate
║ until I saw that it
║ was nothing more than
║ ignorance...

║ I feared love
║ until it touched my heart,
║ making the darkness fade
║ into endless sunny days...

║ I feared ridicule
║ until I learned how
║ to laugh at myself...

║ I feared growing old
║ until I realized that
║ I gained wisdom every day...

║ I feared the future
║ until I realized that
║ life just kept getting
║ better...

║ I feared the past
║ until I realized that
║ it could no longer hurt me...

║ I feared the dark
║ until I saw the beauty
║ of the starlight...

║ I feared the light
║ until I learned that the
║ truth would give me
║ strength...

║ I feared change,
║ until I saw that
║ even the most beautiful butterfly
║ had to undergo a painful change of life
║ before it could fly....

║ Thanks for being my friend....♥♥
║ Is a pleasure to visit you site....♥♥
║ ♥♥ God Bless you and your family....♥♥
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
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