nizze..nize dear..goodnyt swtz drmz..and all the swtz memriez may in ur drmz..sleep tight..luv u dear!!!
Don't love d love unless d love loves u!
If d love loves u,
Love d love in such a wat that d love dosen't love anybody else..!
A boy gave a challenge 2 his girlfriend 2 live a day without him.No communication at all&said that if she passed it he'll love her 4ever...The girl accept it and she didn't call or text him the whole day...she didn't know that the boy has only 24 hours 2live,cause he's suffering from cancer.the next day the girl went hurriedly 2 the boy's house..
Tears fell from her eyes as she saw her boyfriend lying on a coffin with a message 4 her saying'''U DID IT DEAR,CAN U DO IT EVERYDAY..?''
A Superline....
"I want u2 be with me only2 times in my life...."
Now n Forever..
sry i hav no story yet i'll send other..
emotional luv story:A girl wanted a ring. But d boy gav a teddy bear. In anger d girl threw d bear on d road. D boy went 2 take it back but he was hit by a coming car&died,at his funeral d girl cried&hugged d bear&d machine in it spoke,'will u marry me? D ring is in my pocket....!
chuse 1 of ur fav topic...
idk lol
Where do u live ??
nothin..wat did i say..btw i nevr tel a lie..watevr i say iz alwaz correct..hahaha..
hey dnt get angry bt miley, sakhira, justin bieber they r luser...they evn can sing a
Hey, don't send me a message
Im exel

femal avril n male lil wayne..