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R u here?anyways thank u..
BOrINg nIghT WItHOut yOU
wiLL Keep wAiTing fOr yoU
PrOmIse wiLL nOt mOcK On yOr siLLi
I want to talk to her but not for the purpose of hurting her...pls..tell her...if she doesnt have intrest to talk to me then i will not ask u
Pls..i want to talk to her and i miss her
I want to talk to her..pls...say it to her
hehe...u shouLd bettr concentrate On yor preparation.! Till den saeyo nara...c Yah..
Ok..thank u...
Do u have any instrument to measure my dareness?
Do u think that i am afraid of u?ohh my gudness...if u think like that,thats just ur imagination...
Ronnie,my heart name..i love her alot...i can do anything for her..but she doesnt trust me and tries to check me,.its ok...
She doesnt told abt me to even children but how can she told abt me to u?its not gud 4 anyone to play the game with me here in chating..
nah daTz cLassIc.! xXx crIme. . .
den besT of Luck from my side. . .n yea.! U may Prepare yorsLf..
nope. . .u don't have to.! May she oLready gOt it. . .
so howz u Jay-d.?
trUsT TaKeS yEArS To BUilT,SecOnDs TO BreaK
tell yor couzin hiz bee iz so curiouz rite nw..hehe...daTz nothIn