'ItS nT imP. tO gO tO heavN aftR wE leavE,buT itS imP. tO creatE heavN in somE onE *s hearT, beforE wE leavE..'POSSIBLE... buT hoW??? EverY normaL persoN haS 72 heartS beatS buT FoR mE itS 73...extrA onE iS uR smilE..sO donT stoP ur smilE..iT wiLL effecT mY hearT...keeP smilinG...havE a smilinG weekenD...here'S somE examplE of cutE smilE... 7 in 1 smileinventive">http://www.funnyjunksite.com/pictures/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-baby-pictures-52.JPG" border="0"/>inventive smileur">http://www.funnyjunksite.com/pictures/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-baby-pictures-30.JPG" border="0"/>ur smilemy">http://www.funnyjunksite.com/pictures/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-baby-pictures-24.jpg" border="0"/>my smiledanger">http://www.funnyjunksite.com/pictures/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-baby-pictures-21.JPG" border="0"/>danger smileromantic">http://www.funnyjunksite.com/pictures/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-baby-pictures-05.jpg" border="0"/>romantic smiledanceing">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/01/68460/68460.gif" border="0"/>danceing smile:welcome">http://www.desicomments.com/dc/25/68212/68212.gif" border="0"/>welcome smilechoose">http://www.desicomments.com/funnypics/funnyanimal64.gif" border="0"/>choose for you..bbye.. i'm sorry 4 yesterday..actuallyi was n hurry
,;*"*;,;*"*;, *;,";"";"";,;* "*;,;*" tHis is my "hEART" It is beating for my friEnds & my friEnd is only \""\/ /;*"*;, \ / ,;* |__ ¡ OU" "Always tRY tO SpEnd fEw seconds for Your FriEnds Even You Are Busy. Because,,,, OnE Day You Can Get FrEE Time But Not Your Friends Back"...,,,,and keep smiling.. BecausE,, "Smile is a soft languagE of love, Smile is a stream source to win Hearts, Smile creates Greatness in your Personality, So always KEEP SMILING.. "i miss your smile." tAKE CARE Have a testy weakend "enjoy" ,,""(t)(i)(n)(k)(u)"",, ('.') <)'(> _/'\_
Todays Thought: Try hard to get what u like (or) you will be forced to like what u get… Keep smiling always it increases ur face value… Good Morning and Have a terrific day…
"HELLO"my dearest friend Please vote for "ME & AMRITA" We want to become "O/S JODI of THE MONTH"... {voting process} Just visit on "BeboDreamWorld2"s wall and than write our ID "Tinku0013 & Amrita31" and post it on bebo's guestbook!! "THANKYOU!!! "This is your friend"Tinku & Amrita"
'On a Silent night wen friends are few... I close my eyes and think of U... A Silent night.. A Silent tear.. A Silent wish that U were Here.. Missing you dear...'
'ChAnGe thE tExTuRe of yOUr thOuGhTs, yOUr LifE wiL chAnGe... ThE fuTuRe iS noT sOmeThinG wE aWaiT, It iS sOmeThinG wE crEaTe..' hAvE sMiLiNg NIGht.. sWeeT dReAmS
'ChAnGe thE tExTuRe of yOUr thOuGhTs, yOUr LifE wiL chAnGe... ThE fuTuRe iS noT sOmeThinG wE aWaiT, It iS sOmeThinG wE crEaTe..' hAvE a sMiLiNg NIGht..sWeeT dReAmS :note:note
'FriEnNd…!? WhEn I sLePt, SoMeoNe guArdiNg mY DrEaMs... WhEn I riDe.. SoMeoNe’s worDs aRe moViNg wiTh mE... WhEn I rEDd.. SoMeoNe’s thOughTs encOuraGe mE... WhAt eVEr I dO.. SomEoNe’s eyEs foLLow mE... FRIEND! ArEn’t yOu thAt SomEonE….?' HaVe pEaCe aNd drEaMs n niGht
I uSeD tO tHiNk thAt thE wOrLd iS sO uNfAir, thAt iT gaVe mE sO mANy rEaSoNs tO AwAy iT.. BuT nOw, hOw cAn I AwAy.. suCh a wOnDeRfuL wOrLd thAt gaVe mE a friENd LiKe~..~ yÖu? 'whAt gÖÖd iS beAuty wiThouT bRainS..lÖÖks wiThouT chArm..moNeY wiThouT haPPiNEss..a sMiLe wiThouT feELiNgs...a lifE wiThouT yOu..'.~..~. gÖÖd mORNINg