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fian1996  دفتر يادداشت من (139) ورود به دفتر يادداشت

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11 سنة
There seems to be a problem with my health .
11 سنة
For the last time .
11 سنة
You can't see me, but i am here with you. Take my hand, we can make it through. Me and You. You are not alone, this is not
the end.

We will win this war, We fight inside ourselves. Alone, afraid, but we will win this war. Keep smile Fian, i know how you're feeling.
11 سنة
Can you hear the silence? Can you see the dark? Can you fix the broken? Can you feel... can you feel my heart?

I'm sorry brothers, So sorry lover, Forgive me father, I love you mother.
11 سنة
Good morning and have a nice day for my self !!

I hate Monday
11 سنة
Good night and have a nice dream for my self
11 سنة
So, what can I do when boring? Okay, first I will have lunch in a large portion and also eat bread! Second, drinking
milk. And thirdly, I would go to my room for a nap!
11 سنة
Fuck man, i am so boring !
11 سنة
now playing song :
Despite my deepest fear - Firework (Katy Perry)
11 سنة
I have teacher, but he is very FUCK, SHIT, and.. Etc.
11 سنة
I am still packing my clothes for going show on jogjakarta city tomorrow. 7 hours on the way from my city, i am going by bus.
At there, i'll meet rock musisi other.
Support me, thank you!
11 سنة
Besok aku dkk band mau perform di
Jogjakarta, di Hotel Prambanan. Malam
minggu dsna, sbg pngisi acara.
Do'ain perjalanan brangkat dan pulang,
serta penampilanku smuanya lancar ya
teman-teman! Amin
11 سنة
Slamat ulang tahun buat yg ke
720th Surabaya! S'moga
rakyatnya smakin makmur dan
damai, amin! #sbyherocity
11 سنة
Ya Allah, anugerahkan kepada kami,
pasangan kami dan keturunan kami
sebagai penyejuk hati kami, dan jadikan
kami pemimpin bagi orang-orang yang
bertakwa. (QS. Al-Furqan: 74)

Amin .
11 سنة
Every night I leaned my head, and
staring at my bedroom ceiling. Think
of your recovery. And it seems, it's
also made me stress, such as lack of
focus on something, and the head is
always a headache. I hope you do not know it. I just want you to get better
11 سنة
Every night I think of you, I wondered
to myself. When can I see you as
healthy as it used to be? I can not see
you like this. It feels like to replace
your position.
11 سنة
Freedom its bullshit .
11 سنة
Aku selalu merindukanmu, ku
harap engkau pun begitu..
11 سنة
Lengkungan senyuman itu yang
selalu terbayang di pikiran ku ~
11 سنة
Tuhan, lindungi ia dalam
beraktifitas. Permudahlah semua
urusan nya. Amin.
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