So, what can I do when boring? Okay, first I will have lunch in a large portion and also eat bread! Second, drinking milk. And thirdly, I would go to my room for a nap!
I am still packing my clothes for going show on jogjakarta city tomorrow. 7 hours on the way from my city, i am going by bus. At there, i'll meet rock musisi other. Support me, thank you!
Besok aku dkk band mau perform di Jogjakarta, di Hotel Prambanan. Malam minggu dsna, sbg pngisi acara. Do'ain perjalanan brangkat dan pulang, serta penampilanku smuanya lancar ya teman-teman! Amin
Ya Allah, anugerahkan kepada kami, pasangan kami dan keturunan kami sebagai penyejuk hati kami, dan jadikan kami pemimpin bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa. (QS. Al-Furqan: 74)
Every night I leaned my head, and staring at my bedroom ceiling. Think of your recovery. And it seems, it's also made me stress, such as lack of focus on something, and the head is always a headache. I hope you do not know it. I just want you to get better soon.
Every night I think of you, I wondered to myself. When can I see you as healthy as it used to be? I can not see you like this. It feels like to replace your position.